Community Survey Results

We appreciate the input and feedback that community members shared through the 978 responses to the community survey. It certainly provided us with valuable information on the community's clear support to improve the safety, security, and accessibility of the UGHS campus. After reviewing the survey results, the Union Grove Union High School Board of Education passed a resolution to add a referendum question on the November 5th, 2024 ballot.  The question was voted on and approved by the Board at the July 8th, 2024 board meeting.

Shall the Union Grove Union High School District, Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $34,900,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school building and facility improvement project consisting of: construction of additions and renovations to the High School building, including for secure entrances, technical education space and classrooms, and to connect the agriculture building to the main building; safety, security, accessibility, infrastructure, parking, athletic and site improvements, including construction of a road to improve traffic flow; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures and equipment?

Over the next few months, Union Grove Union High School will work to share about the needs these projects address with the community through various engagement materials and opportunities including facility tours, Q & A sessions, direct mailings, and town hall meetings.

View Community Survey Results