Dress up days next week for homecoming! 👗🧥🟣🟠🔵🔴
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
dress up days
Robotics and SWE Clubs tackled leadership challenges at the Sussex Army National Guard Armory, guided by Staff Sgt. Travis Patrick. From mastering obstacles to sharing stories over Army rations, it was a day of growth and camaraderie! 🤖👩‍🔧🥫 #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Students doing obstacle course
Students doing obstacle course
Students doing obstacle course
Students doing obstacle course
Students doing obstacle course
Students doing obstacle course
Students doing obstacle course
Boys Varsity Volleyball Invitational at Indian Trails on Sat., Sept. 23rd there is NO cash at the door for tickets. Please purchase tickets through the link if you are attending. https://events.ticketspicket.com/agency/d8b9e5ed-12ab-40e7-b51a-fa8c60eb8855/events/701e531b-af29-4873-9433-e86d155f0a5d. There will be a concession stand that does take cash. Lunch items will include pizza, hotdogs, and an assortment of snacks and drinks.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Look for the Band BOOster scarecrow on Main Street! This is part of the fun "Scarecrows on Main" event happening downtown, hosted by the UG Area Chamber of Commerce. 👻🎃 #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
It's #TeachAG Day! Here are our favorite agriculture teachers who give our students high-quality learning experiences in many different agricultural topics. 🌼💐🐄🤠🐷🐈🐟🌻🌻 #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
#TeachAG Day
Students in Construction class are learning to mix, pour and finish concrete! ⚒️👷‍♀️👷
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
students learning about concrete
students finishing concrete
Cool national news feature about our alum, Mia Carter! #BRONCOFAM https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/09/us/carthage-college-three-generations
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Did you know that the high school has a shooting team? Interested but unsure if it's for you? Come to our experience days and try it out free of charge. Just bring eye and ear protection and a willingness to learn. We provide everything else. See ya there!! Shotgun Experience: Sunday, October 1st, 12:00 - 3:00pm @ Winchester Gun Club Rifle Experience: Saturday, October 7th, 4:30 - 7:00pm @ Wisconsin Sportsman's Association
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
UG Shooting Club
💻🖱🖨💿💾 It's #NationalITProfessionalDay, and we couldn't be more thankful for our 2 IT pros! Meko & Trevor keep our students, teachers, and staff safely connected and running every day! #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
IT Professionals Day
Ticketing for UGHS theatrical productions is now live to the public at http://ughs.ludus.com. Our Performing Arts Department will produce Alice in Wonderland as their fall play for three performances in November and Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella: Enchanted Edition as their spring musical for five performances in March. UGHS has had sold out performances for their musicals for the past three years, with last year's musical, Grease, selling out six weeks prior to opening night. Once tickets are gone, they are gone! Do not wait to get your tickets to our theatrical productions. Visit http://ughs.ludus.com today to get your seat for all the magic of this year's season! #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
UGHS Performances
Students in Mr. Baldwin's new class, Consumer Home & Auto, are learning self-reliance with things like how to start and put out a fire, and cook over a fire. 🔥🔥 #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
class cookout over fire
students around bonfire
students around bonfire
🏎 Students are welding a race car in Auto Tech II class! #BRONCOFAM
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
students welding
students welding
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Roni Carpenter, School Counselor Hello! I am Roni Carpenter, the new school counselor at UGHS. I am so excited to be a Bronco. I started my career in education as an English teacher and fell in love with the impact positive adults can have on teens. My strengths in the classroom always centered around the connections I built with my students. I decided I wanted to continue my education and school counseling felt like a great fit for me. I never really intended to leave the classroom, but when I did my internship for counseling it all just clicked. I love being able to help students plan their futures through a strong academic foundation, college and career readiness, and a strong mental health base. I can't wait to begin meeting students and start supporting them.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Roni Carpenter
🏈💻 Tune in to tonight's football game on Broncos Media! https://www.ugbroncos.com/livestream
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Trevor Gott, IT Support Technician My name is Trevor Gott, and I am a recent graduate of Gateway Technical College’s IT-Computer Support Specialist program. I started working at UGHS in January 2023 through an internship, and in June, I was hired full-time. I’m excited to continue my role at UGHS because I’m getting excellent hands-on experience supporting the school’s technology and am able to learn more about managing computer networks. It’s been a pleasure working with the staff and students for almost a year now, and I’m excited for what’s to come!
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Trevor Gott
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Kelly Koerber, Science Teacher My name is Kelly Koerber! I am a new Science teacher at Union Grove High School. I am teaching Accelerated Biology and Chemistry this year. In May, I graduated from UW-Eau Claire with a Chemistry teaching degree. I graduated from UGHS in 2019, so I am excited to be back at Union Grove. I had great educators and staff at UG, so I am thrilled to be able to collaborate with the best of the best. I can’t wait for this school year and to get to know UG students and families.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Kelly Koerber
Broncos Girls Volleyball making the news as they were inspired at the Marquette v. Wisconsin game in Milwaukee! Check out the news coverage ➡ https://www.tmj4.com/sports/local-high-school-volleyball-players-inspired-by-marquette-wisconsin-game
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Local high school volleyball players 'inspired' by Marquette/Wisconsin match https://www.tmj4.com/sports/local-high-school-volleyball-players-inspired-by-marquette-wisconsin-game Deer District was filled with a sea of red Wednesday evening. Many rooting for the number-ranked Wisconsin Badgers. You could hear “Let’s go Badgers” amongst many fans.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Katie Runkel-Seewald, Special Education Director I am most looking forward to getting to know our amazing learners and staff, and to be returning to the wonderful UG community!
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Katie Runkel-Seewald
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Jon Atkins, Alternative Education Teacher Bronco Country! My name is Jon Atkins, and I am excited to start my 10th year in education as the new Alternative Education Teacher at UGHS! I am from Kenosha, WI, and am an alumnus of Bradford High School and Concordia University-Chicago. My first two years were at St. Monica Academy on the Northside of Chicago, where I served as the school's PE Teacher and Athletic Director. Upon returning to my hometown, I became the PE Teacher at Dimensions of Learning Academy, where I spent the previous 7 years. Over the last 11 years, I have held various baseball and basketball coaching positions between St. Patrick High School (Chicago), Kenosha Bradford High School, and Westosha Central High School. My wife is also a teacher, and we are proud parents of our nine and a half month old son and dog parents to our girl Harley. In preparing for and beginning this school year, it has been a pleasure working with and getting to know our fantastic staff and students. I am excited to be a part of and to serve the Union Grove community!
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Jon Atkins