WUW Gymnastics, our Co-op with Wilmot, will be starting open gyms soon. See flyer for more information.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Richard Fonk, Technology Education Teacher I am excited to be an educator at UGHS because I love the community we serve. My family has lived in Union Grove for over 6 generations and being a teacher at UGHS gives me the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the youth of our community.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Richard Fonk
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam! Carolyn Heifner, School Social Worker I worked at Union Grove Elementary School, Yorkville and Raymond for 10 years and then worked in Kenosha for the last 8 years. I am very excited to be back in Union Grove and work at the high school. I love airplanes and run a camp at EAA AirVenture and got to marshall in the F-35 this summer. When I am not at work, I will be at the Racine County Pony Club watching my daughter ride and jump horses.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Carolyn Heifner
New Bronco Spotlight! #BroncoFam Nicole Fish, English Teacher I’m extra excited to be teaching at UGHS because I graduated from Westosha Central High School in 2011, so teaching in Union Grove feels like going back to my roots! I’m going on my 8th year as an English teacher, and I spent my first 7 in Kenosha Unified at Harborside Academy teaching sophomores. One interesting fact about me is that my first full-time teaching experience was actually teaching Outdoor Education at Camp Timber-lee during the 2015-2016 school year. I think that’s a big part of why I love to be outside so much: the outdoors was my first classroom! When I’m not teaching, I’m probably hiking or biking a trail with my partner, Paul, and my son, Jonah, strengthening my rock climbing skills at Adventure Rock, or dancing with my Zumba friends. A few goals I’m working on are visiting every U.S. National Park, hiking the entire Ice Age Trail, and learning to play guitar.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Nicole Fish
Let's welcome our newest Broncos to the #BroncoFam! Starting with our new District Administrator, Mr. Thomas Johnson. I am very excited to join the incredible team at Union Grove Union High School. It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve the students, families and staff at UGUHS, and I look forward to strengthening the positive relationships I have cultivated within this great community. Through my collaborative leadership style, I will work diligently to build on the tradition and culture that has earned Union Grove Union High School its successful and positive reputation. I grew up in Stevens Point Wisconsin, moving to Kenosha to attend Carthage College. I began teaching at Washington Middle School in Kenosha Unified School District, eventually teaching at Bristol Elementary School and coaching varsity boys’ basketball at Westosha Central High School. In 2007 I was hired at Union Grove Elementary School as the assistant principal and two years later became the principal. My 16 years at UGES has been extremely rewarding and I hope to serve Raymond, Yorkville, Kansasville & Union Grove with the same drive and leadership. Blessed with two sons, Alexander and Marcus are both going into their junior year in college. My wife, Sara, and I live in Burlington with our two Labrador retrievers, Edward and Walter, and two cats, Mouse and Noodle.
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Tom Johnson
We are looking for someone to join our accounting & human resources team! Read more about the position and apply using the link below. Share this post with anyone who is qualified and might be interested! #BRONCOFAM https://www.indeed.com/job/-ecd14b539dc1e6b9
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Hiring Accounting/HR
"Welcome Back!" -UGHS Science Department
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
UGHS Science Dept.
Check out this 'welcome back' video from Broncos Media: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r4xhsU3yVj02Sw-USsd0D5_BEilxaE0z/view?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Auditions for our fall play ALICE IN WONDERLAND will take place on Sept 6 &7. There are over 20+ acting roles to fill along with many crew positions including lights, sound, wardrobe (costumes), make-up, props, build crew, deck crew, and house crew. Get involved and be a part of this classic story brought to life for the first time on the UGHS stage! For audition packets, sides, and questions email Mr. Kroes at kroerob@ug.k12.wi.us
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Alice in Wonderland poster
#SummerUpdates 🏀🏐 The large gymnasium has a new floor that is sure to be a slam dunk! #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
new gym floor
Freshmen! Don't miss the tailgate at 6pm tonight! #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
freshman tailgate
Broncos Media will be streaming the varsity football game tonight, 9/1 at 7PM. Here's the link! 🔗 https://www.ugbroncos.com/livestream
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Broncos Media Livestream
#SummerUpdates 🎭 The Performance Center is shining with new curtains! #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
New stage curtains
The offices will be closed on Friday, Sept 1. We are ready to see you all on Tuesday!
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
#SummerUpdates Even if you're looking down, you'll be impressed with our new polished floor in parts of the building. #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
New floor
👏🏼 Thank you to one of our favorite business partners, Community State Bank, for the ice cream treats this afternoon! #BroncoFam @csbtweets
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
staff enjoying an ice cream treat
staff enjoying an ice cream treat
staff enjoying an ice cream treat
Principal Mr. Adamczyk & District Administrator Mr. Johnson are grilling for our staff today! #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
administrators grilling
This week, staff are having fun (taking selfies) and getting ready for students to fill the classrooms! #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
Teachers taking a selfie
#SummerUpdates 🛠🍎 We added a classroom! (...and a new English teacher...but more on her to come!) #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
New English classroom
#SummerUpdates Our amazing facilities crew has been hard at work all summer getting our campus ready for another exciting school year! 🔴Check out the new pop of Bronco RED in our hallways!🔴 #BroncoFam
over 1 year ago, Union Grove High School
Summer Update- New red paint